Friday, May 25, 2012

An Offer for our Small to Medium Business Community (SMB)

While we have customers in the Fortune 50, one of our fastest growing segments is Small to Medium Business (SMB) customers. provides a great platform for businesses of all sizes.  Many cloud solution providers started with building their businesses with SMB customers.  It makes a ton of sense because:

  • SMB don't typically have the time and resource for large, upfront investments in infrastructure
  • SaaS platforms are incremental by nature and are perfect for fast growing SMB businesses
  • SMB requirements can be sophisticated, depending upon the business.  By renting enterprise-level software at the level they need, they get the best of both worlds
In working with a number of SMB customers we've come up with what we think are "Eight Easy Best Practices For Small to Medium Businesses".  These are tried and true best practices that we've seen in the best small to medium businesses.  Many of these best practices can be implemented by a customer themselves or with help from a consulting partner.  This document should get you started and help you with both the technical, process and organizational requirements that a good CRM implementation requires.

If you would like a free copy, send us a note to  We'll be happy to send it your way.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. You have explained about the features and advantages of salesforce help in a detailed way.
